Welcoming New Faces — Landworks Studio, Inc.

Welcoming New Faces

With Spring just around the corner, the Landworks Studio Inc. team is really looking forward to the warmer weather, growing our outdoor garden, and welcoming Ricardo and Thu Ngan to the Landworks team!

Landscape Designer Ricardo Terra Santos was raised in southern Portugal. He started his career as a forest officer, later moving to research and policy advising. After a long interest in the discipline, he decided to switch to Landscape Architecture while living in Toronto, Canada. Ricardo is interested in the patterns of occupation of the land by humans in urban, peri-urban, and rural contexts. He is particularly interested in how materials, detailing, and perception of space at a small scale can potentiate positive social, economic, and ecological dynamics at a larger scale. Outside of the office, his interest in culinary arts lead him to North America to study at Le Cordon Bleu in Ottawa. Besides having fun at the stove, he likes politics and listening to music. Ricardo holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Toronto, Canada, and an Engineer’s Degree in Forestry from Instituto Superior de Agronomia in Lisbon, Portugal.


Thu Ngan Han joins Landworks as a licensed landscape architect. Ngan graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia with a Bachelor of Science, and moved to the Boston area the next year to pursue her passion in Landscape Architecture. Her interest in Landscape Architecture flourished from her own curiosity of Environmental Art, Horticulture, as well as Community Building. Her specialties are mainly focused in sketching or Horticulture, and her past projects are a wide variety such as Courtyard Spaces or Academic/Corporate campuses. Outside of the Landworks office, Thu Ngan enjoys doing photography, drawing, cooking, and spending time with her adorable Chihuahua, Bear.
