Breaking Some Eggs
(August - September 2018)
The physical transformation of the 83 Building began in earnest in August with environmental cleanup, which featured a healthy period of asbestos abatement. All of this was immediately followed by the demolition of the repair shop extension.
The interior of the building was in very poor shape. The floors had settled, requiring their removal and eventual reconstruction. Oil tanks were removed. Walls and ceilings were also removed due to mold and basic decay. The westward edge of the CMU wall of the Repair Shop collapsed almost entirely during the demo process: a blessing in disguise as we all found the larger opening much more inspiring.
De-skinned building as part of the asbestos process.
Demo day for the repair shop extension - making way for an expanded design studio
West end of the repair shop (future studio of LWSI) collapsed during the process, so we worked with it.
Old musty insulation, walls and all systems removed.
Let there be light! A new opening with access to future garden.
Future location of print room, rest rooms, shower and special hang out space with garden access.
Nothing left but CMU in the studio. Floor settlement issues forced the removal of existing concrete floors.
The former showroom and future gallery.